Download Linux Garuda ( Garuda Operating System) 4.5 Anggota DPR - Download Linux Garuda ( Garuda Operating System)
kita turut bangga os garuda diluncurkan pada hari kebangkitan nasional os garuda terbang pada 20 mei 2011 os garuda atau garuda OS Merupakan sistem operasi berbasis Open Source hail karya dari pengembang lokal. Garuda memakai desktop modern yang cukup menawan dan sangat mudah dioperasikan, bahkan oleh para pengguna yang sudah terbiasa dengan Windows.
OS ini mendukung pemakaian dokumen format SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia). Selain itu OS Garuda juga sangat aman dari gangguan virus komputer, dengan stabilitas tinggi, disertai bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa operasinya dan dilengkapi dengan banyak program dari berbagai macam kategori, beberapa aplikasi yang ada pada Garuda OS:
Perkantoran :
LibreOffice 3.3 – disertai kumpulan ribuan clipart, kompatibel dengan MS Office dan mendukung format dokumen SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia)
Scribus – desktop publishing (pengganti Adobe InDesign, Page Maker)
Dia – diagram / flowchart (pengganti MS Visio)
Planner – manajemen proyek (pengganti MS Project)
GnuCash, KMyMoney – program keuangan (pengganti MYOB, MS Money, Quicken)
Kontact – Personal Information Manager / PIM
Okular, FBReader – universal document viewer
Internet :
Mozilla Firefox 4.0.1, Chromium, Opera – web browser (pengganti Internet Explorer)
Mozilla Thunderbird – program email (pengganti MS Outlook)
FileZilla – upload download / FTP
kTorrent – program bittorrent
DropBox – Online Storage Program (free 2 Gb)
Choqok, Qwit, Twitux, Pino – aplikasi microblogging
Google Earth – penjelajah dunia
Skype – video conference / VOIP
Gyachi, Pidgin – Internet messenger
xChat – program chatting / IRC
Kompozer, Bluefish – web / html editor (pengganti Dreamweaver)
Miro – Internet TV
Multimedia :
GIMP – editor gambar bitmap (pengganti Adobe Photoshop)
Inkscape – editor gambar vektor (pengganti CorelDraw)
Blender – Animasi 3D
Synfig, Pencil – Animasi 2D
XBMC – multimedia studio
kSnapshot – penangkap gambar layar
Digikam – pengelola foto digital
Gwenview – Photo Viewing Client
Amarok – audio player + Internet radio
Kaffeine – video / movie player
TVtime – television viewer
Audacity – audio editor
Cinelerra, Avidemux – video editor
Edukasi :
Matematika – aljabar, geometri, plotter, pecahan
Bahasa – Inggris, Jepang, permainan bahasa
Geografi – atlas dunia, planetarium, kuis
Kimia – tabel periodik
Logika Pemrograman
Administrasi Sistem :
DrakConf – Computer Control Center
Synaptic – Software Package Manager
Samba – Windows sharing file
Team Viewer – remote desktop & online meeting
Bleachbit – pembersih sistem
Back in Time – backup restore sistem
Program Bantu :
Ark – program kompres file (pengganti Winzip, WinRar)
K3b – pembakar CD/DVD (pengganti Nero)
Dolphin – file manager
Cairo Dock – Mac OS menu dock
Compiz Fusion + Emerald
Emulator DOS + Windows
Game :
3D Game Maker
Mahjong, Tetris, Rubik, Billiard, Pinball, BlockOut, Sudoku, Reversi
Solitaire, Heart, Domino, Poker, Backgammon, Chess, Scrabble
Frozen Bubble, Flight Simulator, Tron, Karaoke
City Simulation, Fighter, Doom, Racing, Tremulous FPS
DJL, Play on Linux, Autodownloader – game manager / downloader
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Download Mozilla Firefox Terbaru 2012 Untuk Linux – Mozilla Firefox adalah web browser paling dibanyak dipakai oleh netter. Hal ini dikarenakan mozilla firefox memiliki tampilan yang mudah dipahami serta menunya juga menurut saya sangat mudah dipahami.
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You have to give Canonical, Ubuntu Linux’s parent company credit for thinking big. Today Canonical is unveiling Ubuntu for Android. What is in the world is that? It’s bringing the Ubuntu Linux desktop to to multi-core Android smartphones docked with a keyboard and monitor. With it, Canonical claims you’ll be able to use Android on the phone and Ubuntu as your desktop, both running simultaneously on the same device, with seamless sharing of contacts, messages and other common services.
The company states that the phone experience will be pure Android–it’s a normal Android phone. When the device is connected to a computer screen, however, it launches a full Ubuntu desktop on the computer display. It’s exactly the same Ubuntu Unity desktop many of you are already using and it will include all of Ubuntu’s current applications, from office productivity to photography, video and music.
These hybrid Android/Ubuntu smartphones and tablets will share all data and services between the environments. Both Android and Ubuntu run simultaneously on the device. So Android applications such as contacts, telephony and texting are accessible from the Ubuntu interface.
The idea is that Ubuntu for Android will gives mobile workers a company phone that is also their enterprise desktop. Canonical contends that “The first PC for the next billion knowledge workers could be a phone - but they won’t just want to use it as a handset. They will want all the flexibility and productivity of a full desktop, as well as the convenience of a smartphone on the move. Ubuntu for Android represents the first opportunity for handset makers and network operators to address this growth opportunity in emerging markets.” In a statement, Mark Shuttleworth, Canonical and Ubuntu’s founder said, “The desktop is the killer-app for quad-core phones in 2012. Ubuntu for Android transforms your high-end phone into your productive desktop, whenever you need it”
Just don’t plan on downloading it any time soon. Ubuntu for Android is directed at “manufacturers targeting the corporate phone. The customized version of Ubuntu drops in cleanly alongside the rest of Android, and the necessary Android modifications are designed for easy integration. Hardware requirements include support for HDMI and USB, standard features in high-end handsets planned for late 2012.”
In an attempt to persuade OEMs and carriers that Ubuntu for Android is a good deal, Canonical also states that “Ubuntu for Android justifies the cost to enterprise customers of upgrading to higher bandwidth 4G connections and contracts. Cloud apps like Google Docs work best with a full desktop, and shine with the lower latency of LTE. Network operators can deliver their own branded applications and services as part of the Ubuntu desktop, in partnership with Canonical.”
At the same time, Canonical still has its own plans for purely Ubuntu-powered smartphones, tablets, and TVs. This new effort seems to fit in nicely with Canonical’s recently announced plans for a more aggressive push towards the business desktop.
Other companies are already exploring the use of smartphones and tablets with the desktop. This is, after all, Windows 8 Metro’s plan, Apple will be bringing Mac OS X and iOS even closer together in Mountain Lion, and Google is integrating Chrome and Android. Canonical, though, as I recently worried, is trying do to much with too little.
Can Ubuntu work with Android on high-end phones and tablets? Technically, sure. No problem. But commercially…. I can’t see it. I hope I’m wrong, but as either a standalone mobile operating system or in partnership with Android, I don’t see a lot of room for Ubuntu on smartphones or tablets.
Sedikit berbagi mengenai cara instalasi Netbeans, salah satu IDE untuk pemrograman Java, di Open Suse 12.1 32 bit KDE. Berhubung ada netbook Samsung baru terisi open suse 12.1 di dalamnya, dan keinginan untuk melengkapinya dengan compiler dan IDE pemrograman, maka netbeans pun masuk ke dalam list yang akan diinstall.
Sebenarnya install aplikasi apapun bisa menggunakan cara mudah di open suse, yaitu one click install ataupun yast. Cukup siapkan saja internet. Namun saat ane menambahkan netbeans melalui yast, paket tidak lengkap. Akhirnya unduh langsung file .sh fdari netbeans di situsnya sebesar kurang lebih 235 MB.
Setelah proses unduh selesai, lokasi di /home/kernel-panic/downloads, kini, buka terminal dan beralih ke sana :
kernel-panic@linux-q1x6:~> su
linux-q1x6:/home/kernel-panic # cd Downloads/
Kemudian berikan akses untuk eksekusi file shell script tsb (.sh) menggunakan chmod +x :
linux-q1x6:/home/kernel-panic/Downloads # chmod +x netbeans-6.8-ml-linux.sh
Kemudian jalankan dan siapkan cemilan plus minuman sambil menunggu proses selesai
linux-q1x6:/home/kernel-panic/Downloads # ./netbeans-6.8-ml-linux.sh
Sebenarnya install aplikasi apapun bisa menggunakan cara mudah di open suse, yaitu one click install ataupun yast. Cukup siapkan saja internet. Namun saat ane menambahkan netbeans melalui yast, paket tidak lengkap. Akhirnya unduh langsung file .sh fdari netbeans di situsnya sebesar kurang lebih 235 MB.
Setelah proses unduh selesai, lokasi di /home/kernel-panic/downloads, kini, buka terminal dan beralih ke sana :
kernel-panic@linux-q1x6:~> su
linux-q1x6:/home/kernel-panic # cd Downloads/
Kemudian berikan akses untuk eksekusi file shell script tsb (.sh) menggunakan chmod +x :
linux-q1x6:/home/kernel-panic/Downloads # chmod +x netbeans-6.8-ml-linux.sh
Kemudian jalankan dan siapkan cemilan plus minuman sambil menunggu proses selesai
linux-q1x6:/home/kernel-panic/Downloads # ./netbeans-6.8-ml-linux.sh
Setelah selesai, netbeans bisa diklik di start menu –> development –> integrated environment –> netbeans :
Though it isn’t the recommended approach, I have ended up upgrading to Linux Mint 12 from Linux Mint 11 using an in situ route. Having attempted this before with a VirtualBox hosted installation, I am well aware of the possibility of things going wrong. Then, a full re-installation was needed to remedy the situation. With that in mind, I made a number of backups in the case of an emergency fresh installation of the latest release of Linux Mint. Apache and VirtualBox configuration files together with MySQL backups were put where they could be retrieved should that be required. The same applied to the list of installed packages on my system. So far, I haven’t needed to use these but there is no point in taking too many chances.
The first step in an in-situ Linux Mint upgrade is to edit /etc/apt/sources.list. In the repository location definitions, any reference to katya (11) was changed to lisa (for 12) and the same applied to any appearance of natty (Ubuntu 11.04) which needed to become oneiric (Ubuntu 11.10). With that done, it was time to issue the following command (all one line even if it is broken here):
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get
Once that had completed, it was time to add the new additions that come with Linux Mint 12 to my system using a combination of apt-get, aptitude and Synaptic; the process took a few cycles. GNOME already was in place from prior experimentation so there was no need to add this anew. However, I need to instate MGSE to gain the default Linux Mint customisations of GNOME 3. Along with that, I decided to add MATE, the fork of GNOME 2. That necessitated the removal of two old libraries (libgcr0 and libgpp11, if I remember correctly but it will tell you what is causing any conflict) using Synaptic. With MGSE and MATE in place, it was time to install LightDM and its Unity greeter to get the Linux Mint login screen. Using GDM wasn’t giving a very smooth visual experience and Ubuntu, the basis of Linux Mint, uses LightDM anyway. Even using the GTK greeter with LightDM produced a clunky login box in front of a garish screen. Configuration tweaks could have improved on this but it seems that using LightDM and Unity greeter is what gives the intended set up and experience.
With all of this complete, the system seemed to be running fine until the occasional desktop freeze occurred with Banshee running. Blaming that, I changed to Rhythmbox instead though that helped only marginally. While this might be blamed on how I did the upgraded my system, things seemed to have steadied themselves in the week since then. As a test, I had the music player going for a few hours and there was no problem. With the call for testing of an update to MATE a few days ago, it now looks as if there may have been bugs in the original release of Linux Mint 12. Daily updates have added new versions of MGSE and MATE so that may have something to do with the increase in stability. Even so, I haven’t discounted the possibility of needing to do a fresh installation of Linux Mint 12 just yet. However, if things continue as they are, then it won’t be needed and that’s an upheaval avoided should things go that way. That’s why in situ upgrades are attractive though rolling distros like Arch Linux (these words are being written on a system running this) and LMDE are moreso.
Q. I have latest version of Ubuntu Linux. How do I update Ubuntu Linux for security and application fix or upgrades?
A. Ubuntu Linux can be upgraded using GUI tools or using traditional command line tools.
Using apt-get command line tool
apt-get is the command-line tool for handling packages. You can use following command options:
=> apt-get update : Update is used to resynchronize the package index files from their sources via Internet.
=> apt-get upgrade : Upgrade is used to install the newest versions of all packages currently installed on the system
=> apt-get install package-name : install is followed by one or more packages desired for installation. If package is already installed it will try to update to latest version.
a) Open terminal and type following two commands (Application > Accessories > Terminal):
b) Get update software list, enter:
$ sudo apt-get update
c) Update software(s) i.e. apply updates:
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
d) Please note that above two command will fetch files from Internet. The location of update pages is specified in /etc/apt/sources.list (repositories). You need NOT to make any changes to this file until and unless you need extra repositories for your setup.
e) To upgrade individual software called foo type command:
$ sudo apt-get install foo
Using Ubuntu Update Manager tool
This is GUI tool. It works like Microsoft /Red Hat update manager i.e. you will see a little icon in the kicker bar/taskbar when there are updates. It will only appear when new upgrades are available. All you have to do is click on it and follow the online instructions.
You can also star GUI tool by Clicking System > Administration > Update Manager
I had not so happy with Unity on Ubuntu Desktopis a desktop customization is difficult. Though customization is sointeresting option of using linux.
Apparently there is also an application that allows us tomengcustomisasi Unity view in Ubuntu Desktop. We can use the MyUnity, a tool that allows us to do the tweaking and customization UnityDesktop to taste us the easy way. Wow ..install
After installation is complete, run by typing myunity on our UbuntuDash
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:myunity/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install myunity
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Wireless cell phone video surveillance solution is here adding a sense of private protection and safety it offers you real-time video monitoring.
This technology utilizes the most powerful software applications for distantly monitoring from Everywhere in the world.This is a solution that will turn any regular cell phone into a high end security device.
The surveillance system brings video from video source such as USB or IP Webcam to your mobile phone. It contains both the client and server application.
You can connect to your residence, business, babysitter, parents, pets, etc.
You can watch online shots from your webcams on mobile phone through any kind of ip connection from any location in the world. In case of intrusion, a real scene helps prevent false alarm and cancel police dispatches to avoid the fines.Enjoy the liberty of viewing all your webcams on cell phone anytime and from anyplace with just the touch of a button.
How does cellular security work:
You connect your webcam (USB, IP camera, or Camcoder) to your home pc and setup the software.The application records video and audio from webcam and sends it, as compressed media stream, to web server.
You login to this Web server from your mobile phone and see your camera.
No special application for your mobile phone is necessary.
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